Kontempel Kultur i Eric Ericsonhallen: Klubb Skaiv med Mårten Landström och inledning av Olle Carlsson
tis 22 sep.
|Eric Ericsonhallen
Mårten Landström är en enastående konsertpianist som spelar allt med lätthet, effektivitet, explosivitet och en fantastisk musikalitet. Mårten är till vardags pianist och konsertmästare i ensemblen Norrbotten NEO, en i landet ledande ensemble inom nutida konstmusik.

Tid och plats
22 sep. 2020 19:30 – 20:30
Eric Ericsonhallen, 111 49, Kyrkslingan 2, 111 49 Stockholm, Sverige
Om evenemanget
Mårten Landström Born in uppsala, sweden in 1966, this ”child prodigy” was reading musical notes before he could read written words. Besides being greatly encouraged by his family, his first major musical influence was ingmar bergman’s film adaption of “the magic flute”, which he says “...suddenly made classical music become something alive and enormously dramatic.” Later it was Artur Rubinstein’s playing that effected him most, and he says, does to this day. nature too plays a major role in his life, both musically and otherwise. At sixteen landström was accepted into the royal college of music in stockholm, and after graduating, went on to further studies at the royal college of music in london. He graduated with honors, accumulating multiple awards in the process. Returning to Sweden in 1991, he has been a soloist in all the major Swedish symphony orchestras, was one of the founders of the Peärls before swïne experience, and a member of the Gothenburg ensemble Gageego. he is as well the pianist and ensemble leader of Norrbotten Neo, based in Piteå, since the start of the ensemble in 2007. Ironically, with this re-release by Mårten Landström - “(Do you remember) the last silence” (which also includes a bonus track recorded this year, visionary landscapes), it is difficult to remember anything at all, let alone the last silence, when you’re lost in such incredibly beautiful music.
(Pris i dörren: 225 kr)
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Många upplever en stark ensamhet och tomhet mitt i överflödeskulturen som leder oss in i en jakt på upplevelser, konsumtion och missbruk för att fylla vårt behov av kärlek och tillhörighet. Vi behöver alla ett sammanhang där vi på olika sätt kan vara inspirationskällor för varandra. Dessutom är samarbete vår enda möjlighet för att kunna rädda den här planeten."
Olle Carlsson
Präst och initiativtagare